AUDICLEAN® is a range of products from natural origin to prevent and remove wax build-up


When to use Audiclean® ear wax remover

In case of earwax plugs
- Softens and helps disperse earwax plugs
Audiclean® Ear Wax Remover’s efficacy and tolerance is tested under ENT supervision. Eucalyptus essential oil scent, pleasant sensation after application (1)
Adults and children over 3 years.
When to use Audiclean® ear cleansing wash

In prevention and hygiene
- Evacuates excess ear wax and debris from ear wax plugs
- Cleans the ear as an alternative or in addition to cotton swabs
- Actively prevents the formation of plugs
Audiclean® Ear Cleansing Wash is a 100% isotonic seawater solution naturally rich in bicarbonates.
Adults and children over 6 months.
AUDICLEAN Ear Cleansing Wash is a class IIa medical device CE 0459. AUDICLEAN Ear Wax Remover is a class I medical device. These medical devices are regulated health products that bear CE marking under this regulation. Do not hesitate to consult a healthcare professional. Read leaflet carefully before use.
revision date : 03/2021
(1) Adultes : Comparison of Audiclean Ear Wax Remover (emulsion with apricot kernel oil and Eucalyptus globulus EO) combined with Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash versus sodium docusate and urea hydrogen peroxide in the removal of ear wax plugs. Skoupa 2008 (comparative, randomized, parallel, multicenter trial)
Adultes et enfants de + de 3 ans : Evaluation of Audiclean Ear Wax Remover tolerance and efficacy for the softening and dispersal of ear wax plugs prior to ENT removal. Coordwell 2009 (open, prospective, single-arm trial)